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For 10 years, CARICC has been publishing weekly Newsletters on the most relevant topics in the field of drug trafficking control and combating its illicit trafficking.

The number of subscribers to the mailing list exceeds 600 addressees and continues to grow.

Some documents are available at the website


Information messages - are published since 2008. Each report is devoted to a separate topic in the field of drug control, after reading of which the reader will receive the maximum amount of information on the issue in question.

Survey materials on the drug situation in CARICC member states - are published quarterly since 2008. The Bulletin summarizes and analyzes data on recorded drug offenses and individuals arrested for drug-related crimes, the seized amount of drugs, number of persons registered with a diagnosis of ‘drug addiction’, the prices for narcotic drugs existing at the illicit market, and any other information obtained from the competent authorities of CARICC member states characterizing the status of drug situation.

A review of the identified methods to conceal drugs - is published monthly since 2008. Each Survey contains a photo and description of identified caches, as well as by whom, when and where it was uncovered.

Express analyzes of seizures cases of narcotic drugs - are published monthly from 2016. The document provides a detailed analysis of drug seizures carried out in the space of CARICC member states.

Summaries on drug seizure cases - are published weekly since 2008. One of the first information products of CARICC. The Collection contains information from open sources about the most interesting cases of drug seizures in the world.

Information releases - are published weekly from 2016. The Bulletin informs the reader about the past events in the anti-drug sphere, primarily in the space of CARICC member states.


You may also subscribe to receive Information Bulletins prepared by CARICC, by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

quarterly review materials on the drug situation in CARICC member states

information messages on topical issues to combat illicit drug trafficking

monthly reviews on the methods to conceal drugs

monthly express-analyzes for drug seizures cases

weekly reports on drug seizure cases

weekly information releases